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Project details

Indian auto-electrical component supplier seeks a foreign JV partner

Project region India
Industry Industrial Goods & Machinery
Total value of the target N/A
Expected target net rate of return after deducting all taxes and fees N/A
Validity period of pending order 365


Project highlights 50%+ OEM market share - USD 4.5 million annual revenue
Project description

The Indian supplier provides end-to-end electro-mechanical and auto-electrical switch and sensor solutions to its clients, which are cost-effective. The company has registered offices in Mumbai and Palghar. It has 55 years track record, having over 55% market share in switches & sensors of the tractor original equipment manufacturer (OEM) market. There are 251-500 employees, and its current annual revenue is USD 4.5 million. Now the company seeks a foreign JV partner.

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